Wednesday 24 July 2013

Conclusion on Term 2

Getting that dreaded report on Friday

ah well, it's not like I have done completely bad, it's only English that is the main problem---with a C problem. But everything else went pretty well, 6s or 7s.

Guess I've got to work more and update this blog more often

Thursday 18 July 2013

bored, in many ways

18/07/2013   Windy & rainy

Honestly, I don't like holidays that much, mainly because my mother is at home and life is never enjoyable when she's around, sticking her nose into everything I do.

It's the last few days of the holidays and then I will be back to school; I actually like school, believe it or not, with all the quirkiness of IB diploma and the interesting stuff that we do in those times. But school also means work, and work means input, and input means...well, ideas.

I should try harder at running clubs and getting better grades.

Anyways, I suppose I should aim high and get into a decent uni.

Today's been sort of boring, but kind of happy that I saw a friend.

Monday 8 July 2013


The primary reason for me to create this blog, entitled The Far Side of London, is to keep my memory of my year 11 and year 12, as well as my future years.

When you go away, you lose too much.

And I need my brain to be fully functioning.

So, all is well, welcome to my Blog.